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Top questions about RealBetter

Need something cleared up? Here are our frequently asked questions.

General FAQs

Everything you need to know about the product and how it works.

What is RealBetter?
Who are the founders of RealBetter?
How is RealBetter different from other online portals?
Why should I consider RealBetter?
What is the range of properties available on RealBetter?
Does RealBetter charge a fee or commission?
What should I do for better visibility?

Agents FAQs

Your clients count on you. We help you deliver better and make the difference.

What is RealBetter?
How can I connect with other top agents in the industry?
In which cities can I find and post properties?
Why do Agents need RealBetter?
Do I need to share my client data?
What does RealBetter mean by empowering agents?
How does RealBetter verify Agents ?
Why is Agent verification important?
How will RealBetter help me in closing deals faster?
How can I track the performance of my listings on RealBetter?
What do I need to do as an agent to get deals and matches on RealBetter?
What is the process to work with developer projects?
How do I generate leads?
How can RealBetter help me find the right property for my clients?
How does RealBetter ensure that I get the right match?
How can i get in touch with RealBetter’s customer support team?

Independent Builder FAQs

Showcase your project on the best digital platform for real estate. Attain project success.

What is RealBetter?
Why should Independent Builders choose RealBetter?
How can I join RealBetter as an independent builder?
How do independent builders get relevant matches?
Is there a free trial for independent builders?
How can I track the performance of my listings on RealBetter?
What should I do for better visibility?
How can I curate my property on RealBetter?
What is a verified listing?
How can I advertise my brand on RealBetter?
Why are there only limited inventory right now on the platform right now?
How can i get in touch with RealBetter’s customer support team?
What should I do for better visibility?
What are the subscription costs?
Which all localities of Gurgaon does RealBetter have properties?
All How can I get in touch with RealBetter’s customer support team?

Developer FAQs

This is the only true end-to-end real estate platform for agents. Make it work for you too.

What is RealBetter?
How is RealBetter relevant for developers?
How is RealBetter different from other online portals?
How can I grow my business?
How can I get details for the site visits?
How can I promote my new project launch or upcoming projects?
How can I share my inventory?
What sort of data can I get?
What is the subscription plan for the developers?
How do RealBetter ensure that there is no misleading and misuse of inventory?
Can we up single project inventory?
How can i get in touch with RealBetter’s customer support team?

Couldn’t find the answers you were looking for?

Write us to [email protected] and we will get back to you in 24 hours. Here are our frequently asked questions.


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